What is Limitless?

We planned on opening a Subway. Or how about franchising a Redbox? We love coffee shops, so how about be we open a Cafe...Whoa, wait. HOW ABOUT we open a Laundrymat with free wifi and a small cafe inside? (Thinking, pondering, thinking) Whatever we do, it has got to be us.

Since the day chatted for hours in the Sierra College cafeteria, catching each other up on what we had missed from childhood until present (because WE WERE GOING TO BE BEST FRIENDS), we knew this bond would produce something great...

We would sit for such long periods of time, discussing what we DIDNT want to do, and how we knew we were meant for something far more atypical then what is expected of us. Go to college. Get a good job! Get married! And we should, shouldn't we? That’s what most people do, right? But the entrepreneurial spirits in us continued to break away from the norms over and over again.

We learned that we are creators. It seemed that everywhere we turned we were pushing to get out of the box, to live LIMITLESS! 

"I just want to be free!" became our favorite slogan! And what a risk "being free" has been. Quitting corporate jobs, relocating, going natural (google "natural hair journey"), starting a business, and of all fighting to live the life we want instead of what’s expected of us. We weren't sure how, what, or when, but we had faith in our God-given purpose. 

Limitless came about as we were sitting at the Emeryville Marina, discussing why our last blog was unsuccessful. It didn’t take us much time to realize that it was much too narrow for people like us. Not colorful enough, no room to grow as we grow, and definitely not widespread enough to hold our many many passions. Our new slogan became, “I just want to be LIMITLESS”…

And so we made that our lives mission.

Limitless is about doing what you love, instead of what is expected of you. It’s about experiencing new things, and opening oneself up to new and different possibilities. Its about not allowing FEAR to hold you from becoming the person God meant for you to be…HE did say that He didn’t give us the spirit of fear, right? (2 Timothy 1:7). We plan to share our journey of limitless living with you all, as we continue grow, strive for what we want and create lovely things. In the process we hope to inspire you to press. And most importantly, for those of you who are allowing fear to be your diversion, it is our prayer that this blog will aid you to spread your wings and FLY~   

-Sade and Mela